Dates of Circuit Meetings 2024

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Below is a list of all of the Birmingham Methodist Circuit meetings coming up in 2024.

Please contact the organiser of a meeting if you wish to attend a meeting of which the venue has not been named.

Please note that Circuit Services and Social Events ARE NOT listed below. Please visit our Upcoming Events page for further details of these, along with the events which all of our thirty-two churches are running.

We also have some regular groups within our circuit and churches which you might be interested in attending. You can find these here.

If you are a member of staff looking for Staff Meeting, Ministers Meeting, or Lay Workers Meeting Dates. Then please click here for those details.

To find dates for our Methodist District's Meetings please visit their website here.

Dates List

Circuit Meeting

The Circuit Meeting is our bi-annual gathering of circuit trustees. Our trustees are made up of representatives from our thirty-two churches. This meeting is where important decisions about our circuit are made. This is an open meeting, if you're interested in attending as a representative of your church then please talk to your Minister

  • Thursday 12th September 2024, 7.30 pm

Circuit Leadership Team Meeting

The Circuit Leadership Team meets almost every month. They are the key decision-making body for our circuit and report to the Circuit Meeting. This is a closed meeting. If you are interested in finding out more about what it does then please talk to your church steward or minister.

  • Tuesday 9th July 2024, 7.30 pm
  • Tuesday 3rd September 2024, 7.30 pm

The Circuit Leadership Team delegates much of its responsibility to the three forums listed below. If you are a member of our circuit and are interested in getting involved in circuit decision making then attending these forums is a great way to do so.

Circuit Property Meeting

This is a closed meeting. For more details please contact Sue Saunderson.

    • Thursday 10th July 2023, 10.30 am (Circuit Property Team Meeting)


Treasurers Meetings

This meeting is for all Church Treasurers and is led by Andrew Morris our Circuit Treasurer. This is a closed meeting - if you are a treasurer you can get in touch with Andrew about the meeting here.

  •        To be confirmed.

Worship Learning and Caring Forum

This forum meets to discuss many different topics including pastoral care, safeguarding, small groups, preachers, worship leaders and musicians, training, children and young people, circuit cohesion and fresh expression. Fresh expressions include Messy Church, Open the Book, Cafe Church and Jazz Community Church. This forum is organised by Reverend Nick Jones who you contact here.

    • To be confirmed.

Preachers and Worship Leaders Meeting

This is a meeting for Preachers and Worship Leaders and is where they gather important information, to learn, and to share. This group is organised by Reverend Nick Jones who you contact here.

  • Wednesday 25th September 2024, 7.30 pm

Service and Evangelism Forum

This forum meets twice a year to discuss many different matters to do with Social Justice and Evangelism.

    • To be confirmed.


This meeting list is kept updated by the Central Office Team. Please email them here or call them on 0121 616 1800 if you spot anything incorrect or missing from the above listings.

Dates of Circuit Meetings 2024