How to send your news or upcoming events adverts to us in the office...
We are always looking to tell others about the great stuff happening in our circuit, whether it's something from one of our churches or something from one of our partners.
If you'd like us to advertise either an upcoming event or a news item then there is a really simple way you can do that, you just have to send us the following:
- The title of the event or news item you want to advertise (less than 10 words)
- A short summary sentence (one sentence only) about the event/news item
- If it is an upcoming event, include the location, date and time of the event and who is welcome
- A 500-word or less article about the event or news item
- A photo or image we can use to advertise it (if you don't have an image, don't worry, we can use one of ours
Email all of the above to or you can post it to our Circuit Office if you're not on email (see contact us for address).