Preaching Plan



In the Methodist Church preachers rotate around their circuit, preaching at many different churches each year.

Click here to download the Circuit Preaching Plan for June, July and August


Pastoral Letter

Dear Friends,

Sorting out my many files before I ‘sit down’ in the summer, I came across the paperwork I had completed in order to candidate as a Methodist Minister. One question was what are the two characteristics of Methodism that are important to you? My answer was firstly the emphasis on God’s transforming grace for all people and secondly the call to social justice.

These two aspects of Methodism have formed my ministry and continue to be at the heart of Methodism as we are called to be a growing, inclusive, evangelistic and justice-seeking Church. I remember 26 years ago in May 1998, taking part in a human chain of 70,000 people who surrounded the city of Birmingham where the G8 summit was being heldThis prophetic action called on the G8 countries to ‘Make Poverty History’ and ‘Drop the Debt’ which was crippling many ‘third world countriesIt was based on the Jewish and Biblical concept of the year of Jubilee, when every 50 years debt was cancelled. (Leviticus 25, 11-12) Subsequently Jubilee 2000 saw the campaign bring about the cancellation of more than $100 billion of debt owed by the world’s poorest countries, although not without its problems

I realised then that one individual can make a difference in the world if we come together to stand against injustice. Professor John Hull, a tutor at Queens Theological College, was a great encourager of Prophetic Action and as students we went to Aldermaston on Ash Wednesday to demonstrate against the proliferation of nuclear weaponssang alternative Christmas carols in the Bull Ring to raise awareness of how materialistic Christmas has become and led a public reading of the Book of Lamentations in the city centre to lament all those who had died in the Iraq war.

Today we can continue to make a difference in the world by supporting campaigns for social justice, speaking out about key issues such as climate change and poverty, joining community alliances like Citizens UK, lobbying our MPs and taking an active interest in politics. As Methodist Local Preachers we are called to encourage social justice and action through our preaching but also to demonstrate it in our daily lives as in the Methodist Way of Life:

Also the new Methodist Justice -Seeking Church Report proposes a framework to support the Methodist Church’s action for justice over the next five years and identifies five priorities for justice plus encouraging us to take up practices for justice. Take a look at

Twenty six years ago as we formed a human chain around Birmingham, I would not have imagined that we would see poverty and inequality increase in the UK to such an extent. Birmingham now has the highest rate of child poverty at 46%! There is no better time to encourage people to live out their faith by challenging injustice. There is a growing new movement for change in the UK called ‘Let’s End Poverty’, a Methodist initiative which is working towards eradicating poverty and transforming lives. Here in Birmingham I have had the privilege to journey alongside many people who have been living in poverty, experiencing homelessness, suffering from addiction, struggling with debt, facingdiscrimination and seeking to make a new life in this countryAs we stand together to bring about  positive change and learn from each other, it is wonderful to see lives transformed by God’s grace.

I end with some words from the prophet, Amos: “Let justice flow like a river, and righteousness like a never ending stream.” Amos 5:24

Every blessing, Alison

Get in Touch

You can contact a member of the circuit team, including the Superintendents, by visiting our Contact Us page here.

Preaching Plan